Paper Info
Achieving Efficient and Realistic Full-Radar Simulations and Automatic Data Annotation by Exploiting Ray Meta Data from a Radar Ray Tracing Simulator
C Schüßler, M Hoffmann, V Wirth, B Eskofier, T Weyrich, M Stamminger, M Vossiek
2023 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf23), 1-6, 2023.
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Achieving Efficient and Realistic Full-Radar Simulations and Automatic Data Annotation by Exploiting Ray Meta Data from a Radar Ray Tracing Simulator
C Schüßler, M Hoffmann, V Wirth, B Eskofier, T Weyrich, M Stamminger, M Vossiek
2023 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf23), 1-6, 2023.