Paper Info
Super Resolution Wide Aperture Automotive Radar
O Bialer, A Jonas, T Tirer
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021.
yassendobrev, rated
Jan. 31, 2022.
A paper by GM presenting an approach combining multiple radars coherently to form a very wide (~1 m) aperture. Each of the individual radars operates in MIMO, but all the individual radars are combined similar to SIMO. The radars transmit with very small time offsets, the chirps overlap in time, but are divided in frequency. The individual apertures are combined by a large near-field matched filter, taking the range-dependence of the total aperture (after FFT on individual apertures) and a hypothesis for the radial / tangential target velocity into account.
Super Resolution Wide Aperture Automotive Radar
O Bialer, A Jonas, T Tirer
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021.
yassendobrev, rated
Jan. 31, 2022.
A paper by GM presenting an approach combining multiple radars coherently to form a very wide (~1 m) aperture. Each of the individual radars operates in MIMO, but all the individual radars are combined similar to SIMO. The radars transmit with very small time offsets, the chirps overlap in time, but are divided in frequency. The individual apertures are combined by a large near-field matched filter, taking the range-dependence of the total aperture (after FFT on individual apertures) and a hypothesis for the radial / tangential target velocity into account.