Paper Info
Super-Resolution Radar Imaging with Sparse Arrays Using a Deep Neural Network Trained with Enhanced Virtual Data
C Schuessler, M Hoffmann, M Vossiek
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.09839, 2023.
yassendobrev, rated
June 29, 2023.
A very interesting paper demonstrating learned radar super resolution. They train on the vectorized covariance matrix and the phase. I wonder if this is a good input data format.
Super-Resolution Radar Imaging with Sparse Arrays Using a Deep Neural Network Trained with Enhanced Virtual Data
C Schuessler, M Hoffmann, M Vossiek
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.09839, 2023.
yassendobrev, rated
June 29, 2023.
A very interesting paper demonstrating learned radar super resolution. They train on the vectorized covariance matrix and the phase. I wonder if this is a good input data format.